Miniature Pot Belly Pig Care & Info


Should your pet pig be vaccinated?

That is a question of some debate in the pig world. Of course, if your local laws require it, then they will be vaccinated.

The vaccines are made for farm pigs and don't seem to have much value to the potbellies since the vaccines are made for one particular strain of a disease that potbellies rarely, if ever, get. If you do have it done, don't let them talk you into every year because we are seeing problems with pigs getting them too often and their immune system is so good that it ends up doing more harm than good.

We have also heard of cases where the vet over vaccinates the pig. Meaning too much of the vaccination was given for the size/weight of the pig.

If you must vaccinate, the recommended vaccinations may vary depending on where you live. Vaccinations should include Erysipelas, Bordatella, and Pasturella on a yearly basis after initial double dose at 6 -10 weeks and 12 -14 weeks. Be careful: Reactions to lepto vaccinations are common. As of this writing, rabies vaccine is not approved in pigs. Pigs are resistant to rabies and are very unlikely to contract the disease.

Using cat or dog vaccines are unacceptable. Lymes vaccine is not approved in pigs. Remember, vaccinations are expensive and if they are doubtful in value they should be avoided, especially since occasional reactions do occur.

Vaccinations can be given either in the butt muscle or in the neck about 2-3 inches behind the ear.


Your pig should be wormed twice a year. This can be done with a shot, but given orally is easiest and best. If giving orally, it is not necessary to have a vet do the procedure. The antiparasitic of choice is Ivomec 1% solution, while others are using Dectomax.

You can get the Ivomec at some feed stores or ask your vet to give you enough for two doses. Tell your vet you want to give it by mouth instead of in shots and he needs to give you a little more than what would be in the shot. If you cannot get it from your vet or find it at your local feed store then you will need to shop on-line. We get ours from KV Vet Supply. You are looking for Ivomec for swine, the 1% solution.

Everyone has their own way of giving Ivomec. If you go to the vets he will want to give a shot. Pigs don't handle shots very well so ask if it can it to be given orally. Some use 2/10th of a cc per 10 pounds of body weight and 1/10th of a cc per 10 pounds if given by injection. Others give 1cc per 50 pounds of body weight. This is the formula we go by here, 1cc per 50 pounds and we have never had a worm problem in over 14 years. Ivomec is safe and very hard to overdose so don't worry.

If your pig will sit nice for a treat then you can just squirt it into the side of their mouth. (Make sure it is the side of their mouth, not straight in, so it doesn't go down the wrong tube in their throat.) Or you can dampen his food just a little and squirt the Ivomec on the food and stir and they will usually eat it. If you have more then one pig keep them separated so that you make sure each pig gets his full dose.

Also remember that the pigs can build up an immunity to Ivomec so it is good at times to alternate with Dectomax. Dectomax is a pour on and it comes with a measuring bottle so you don't make a mistake. It can be ordered from Jeffers Catalog (1-800-JEFFERS). It is as good as Ivomec for up to 7 different kinds of parasites including mange.

The potbellied pig originated in the Orient centuries ago; thus it is often referred to as the “Yuppie House Pet.” They are a unique breed of their own and are not bred from the familiar American farm pig. The Chinese house pig, the Vietnamese potbellied pig, and the miniature potbellied pig are all names of Pigs/. Potbellied pigs were introduced into the United States in 1985, and have captured the interest and hearts of millions.

Potbellied pigs have short wrinkled noses, perky little ears, sway backs, straight tails (that wag like dogs’ tails), and, of course, pot bellies.

At the present time, research has indicated that these little animals, with proper care, can live approximately fifteen years. Potbellied pigs are docile, easy going and have virtually no body odor. Their intelligence has been compared to the dolphins and primates, thus making them one of the most intelligent house pets known.

The miniature potbellied pig is truly a remarkable animal and a remarkable pet. They prefer a clean environment, will not scratch your furniture, and are not prone to getting fleas or ticks. Because potbellied pigs do not shed like a dog or a cat, they are the perfect pet for anyone who suffers from common pet allergies.

The miniature potbellied pig is an exceptionally intelligent pet for those of you who can give love and attention to a gentle and loyal companion.
How to Keep Your Potbellied Pig Healthy

In the past several years, the mini’pig has become an increasingly popular companion animal. This is due to its relative intelligence and strong human bonding characteristics. This surge in ownership has led to many problems, including legal battles, human/pig conflicts, and general lack of health care knowledge among owners and veterinarians alike.

Many factors affect the physical health of your mini–pig; however, one of the most common mistakes is overfeeding, thus over’conditioning of minipigs. This is probably due to the concept we have entertained since childhood of a fat rounded pig who will eat anything. But remember the fate of that pig.

Healthy body condition does not include a pendoulous belly and fluctuant jowels. Ribs should not be visible, but should be easily felt. Jowels should not obscure the jaw and fat rolls on the face should be absent.

Obesity predisposes tendon determinates in the legs, poor foot wear and entropion which may progress to mechanical blindness. Obesity also puts your pet into a bad surgical risk category should emergency surgery be necessary, not to mention long–term head problems and other organ failures.

How much to feed depends on your pig’s condition and activity level and must be adjusted as needed; there is no formula. Diet should consist of a commercial balanced and formulated mini–pig food, grazing time, and small fruit and vegetable treats. Dog and cat food are too rich in protein and calories and are not balanced for pigs. Fruits have sugar in them and these tend to increase weight gain. Many owners supplement vitamins. This is usually unnecessary if the pigs are on a commercial diet and rarely causes a serious problem. Consult your veterinarian concerning your pig’s condition and diet.
Environment, they need a special diet specially formulated for their small size only 2 places in the states have this, see pig products on pig page for ordering, you must use and keep  your pig on a specific diet!

Proper environment is also important in maintaining health. Another common problem is irregular foot wear and lack of exercise leading to dropped pasterns. As was said earlier, weight is a contributor to this problem. Foot trimming has become necessary in companion pigs due to the surface they live on. Carpets, hardwood floors, grass and linoleum do not wear feet enough to keep up with nail growth. Allowing the nail to become long shifts weight back on to the padded heel and stretches the flexor tendons over time, which in turn causes less exercise and an acceleration of this condition. This can be avoided by keeping weight off your pet and exercising on a granular surface such as concrete. If this is not possible, frequent trimming will be necessary.